SHINWA Mini-Protractor with halfround base and two blades. This pocket sized protractor has a mea...
Mini protractor (Shinwa)
SHINWA Sliding Bevels with Protractor These bevels made of aluminum have a metric ruler on the i...
NEW!! Aluminium Sliding Bevel with Protrac...
These Japan made profile gauges come with stable stainless steel needles. The needles keep their ...
Profile Gauges (Shinwa)
This Shinwa Ruler Stop is made to fit Shinwa Stainless Steel Rulers and any other rulers of exact...
Ruler stop for pickup rulers (Shinwa)
Crafted from hardened and tempered Stainless Steel, the iGaging rule features 1mm metric calibra...
Stainless Steel Rule 300mm - Hooked (iGaging)
Steel rulers from the Japanese manufacturer Shinwa are produced mainly in Japan and are the ruler...
Stainless steel rulers "pick-up" (Shinwa)