How To Set Up Your Band Saw like a Pro
Jul 21 2017 0 Comments

Before we get onto Bandsaw stuff I would like to give you an update about some new additions that we will introduce to our Hand Tool Emporium. Some of you possibly noticed our home page had some upcoming products like:
Philip Marcou Toolworks
Last month while I was in the Bay of Plenty, I had the pleasure to meet Philip Marcou and also to see his shop and his amazing work. I would say he is one of the best hand tool makers and Campaign furniture makers I have ever seen. The design, precision, personal touch and finish he puts in everything he makes will leave you speechless. After a good 3-4 hour chat about tools, we came up with the idea to offer his hand tools through our website. Today we will start offering you his beautifully crafted chamfering plane. You can purchase this handplane from DICTUM in Germany for €129 plus shipping, from Unplugged Woodshop in Canada for US$157 plus shipping or from our website for NZ$150 plus shipping as an introductory offer. The quantities are limited, but you are more than welcome to pre-order via email in case they sell out while Philip is making more. If you want a piece of Marcou, this is your chance!! Trust me, I have one and it is amazing.
On the other hand, if you are looking at enquiring about some of his perfectly crafted bigger hand planes that are made to order, I would suggest you get in touch with him through his website.
Every now and then, Philip will release some other handtools in limited quantities, so keep an eye on our website. For example, this week we are selling a wonderful Engineers Hammer that can be also used for setting up the blades of wooden hand planes.
PICA-Marker from Germany
We are very excited to introduce one of the best brands for marking tools, such as pencils, pens and markers for the professionals in NZ, made in Germany. I am sure you will enjoy using them as much as we do. PICA products will be available in our website late next week.
Shapton Knife Sharpening Set "SEVEN"
We have these sets arriving in two months and we will start taking pre-orders very soon, at an early bird introductory price so nobody misses out.

Now back onto bandsaws. I believe this is one of the more versatile machines in the shop after the table saw. Unfortunately, if they are not well set up they can give you a very hard time. Michael Fortune showed me how much you can do and achieve with them. One of the most important things to do before using them is to set them up properly.
Alex Snodgrass started his woodworking career at a tool store in Honolulu, Hawaii. The owner, Mark Olsen, was an inspiration to Alex, teaching him about hand and power tools. After seven years with Olsen Tools, he left to pursue positions with several woodworking companies as district sales manager in the southeast. As he moved from company to company, his interest in bandsaws grew.
Alex Snodgrass, who runs "bandsaw clinics" at the popular traveling Woodworking Shows, demonstrates what to do and more importantly, explains why. The don't-center-the-blade-on-the-top-wheel tip alone makes this video worth the watch.
Below also is another of his videos running one of this bandsaw clinics.
Have an awesome weekend.
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