Saw Gear by Tiger Stop
Jul 12 2018 0 Comments

With Crown+MiterPro™ software, SawGear® will easily calculate positions for angled or mitered parts. This makes hanging crown and baseboard a simple and math free process.
- Quickly comes to position with accuracy of +/-0.2mm
- Designed to be easily portable to the jobsite
- Crown+MiterPro software
- Easy Miter buttons
- Inches or Metric
- Increment button
- Five Languages (English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German)
- Integrates well with metalworking applications such as cold saw, drills, and ironworkers
In the last few years SawGear has improved their digital miter saw stop system and the improvements are worth knowing about. The system is still expensive—out of the range of most finish carpenters—but for production crews, or for companies that pre-cut a lot of mouldings in their shop, the new improvements are a game changer.
when SawGear first debuted their digital miter saw stop system, tool reviewers tried to use the tool to cut baseboard and crown molding and couldn’t, at least not for pieces with outside corners—the onboard computer worked only for casing and butt cuts. Testers also found that on some saws, where the pivot point wasn’t flush with the face of the miter saw fence, they couldn’t cut inside corner miters either.
But SawGear has solved both those problems.
You can now adjust the computer to read off the pivot point on any saw, so cutting inside corner miters in baseboard, chair rail, and crown molding—where you’re measuring and cutting to the long point—is just like making butt cuts.
With these two new improvements, you can now use SawGear to run through any cutlist—casing, baseboard, chair rail, or crown molding. If you move your material from your left to your right, and you set up SawGear on the right side of your saw, you’ll find the system requires a little thoughtfulness at first, but it’s deadly accurate.
So long.
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